Legal address: 117105, Moscow, st. Nagatinskaya, 3A.
Actual address: 109089, Moscow, st. Ugreshskaya, 2, building 95 (Business quarter IQ-Park).
Phone / Fax: +7 (495) 783-84-78; +7 (495) 012-74-78.
Samples are accepted and documents are issued at the address: Moscow, Ugreshskaya st ., 2, building 95, 1st entrance, 3rd floor.
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 09:00-18:00, Friday 09:00-16:45.
The order of access to the territory of the IQ-Park Business Quarter: by passes.
The pass must be ordered in advance by e-mail or by phone +7 (495) 783-84-78.
You must have a passport with you.